Monday, 1 October 2012

Start Up

The Project: 1994 Nissan Hardbody SE

The Plan:
- SAS - Using a 1988 Grand Wagaoneer Dana 44
- 3 Link Front Suspension - Use of Johnny Joints and DOM Tubing
- Air Lockers with 5.13 Gears
- Dual Transfer Cases - Nissan TX-10 and Dana 300 with a NWF adapter
-Tube Bumpers - Winch Mount
- 37" or 35" tires
- Rock Sliders
- Bobbed Bed
- CB Radio
- Baja Light Rack

The Goal: To aid in teaching kids about Auto and inspire them in 4x4ing. To build a wicked rock truck that can go anywhere I can point it. Take it to moab to participate in the GoneMOAB event with other fellow Nissan Enthusiasts.

Here is the truck the day I bought it.

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